A Steady and Outstretched Hand
Series Salvation, Root and Branch
All who have ever lived are judged by one infallible and ever-present standard, who do you say that Christ is, and though the law condemns all men, only Christ can save, only His blood can make the foulest sinner clean, and whether one is Jew or Gentile, God reckons us not by our blood but by the blood of Christ. Whether or not we are in union with Christ, baptized into His death and resurrection, this is what matters, this is the primary division between men - Christ and His work rejected or received. The condition of Israel, was at the time of Paul's writing, a people who had stumbled over Christ the Stone, despite being zealous for righteousness. In contrast, the Gentiles, who had not sought for the righteousness of God, found it. Why? Because that was God's plan.
From our perspective, God's plan is carried out through the means of grace, through the pattern of men sent out with Word, preaching, calling sinners to salvation, believing and resting upon Christ, clinging to Him as their righteousness before the Father. God has sent out His Word to the nations, that men might hear and believe, but woe unto those who having heard do not believe. The way in which men contend with Christ, the way men are reckoned unto the Father is by what they do with Christ preached, the living Cornerstone, and whether or not they build upon Him or are crushed by Him.
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Sermon ID | 112524141310897 |
Duration | 37:31 |
Date | Nov 24, 2024 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Romans 10:14-21 |
Language | English |