
Matthew 23:1-12 - "Religious Theatre"

God gave His law to water the garden of Israel. The Pharisees turned this law into a blunt instrument with which to beat people, into a whip with which to scourge them, and into poison which turned the garden into a waterless desert. Moses came to bring Sabbath, to break the yoke of burden, and to let the slaves go free. Jesus likewise has come to the weary and heavy laden to offer rest, while the Pharisees and scribes act as second-rate Pharaohs, forcing the people to make bricks without straw. Because Jesus' life is a re-enactment of Israel's history, it begins in exodus and ends with exile and woe. Prophets curse a people when they have broken covenant and refuse to respond to the preaching of repentance. Jesus is bringing woe on Jerusalem and her leaders, and in so doing is offering to free those under their burden. Will you follow the proud into certain woe? Or the humble into certain blessing?

Nov 24, 2024
Sunday Service
Matthew 23:1-12
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