
Suffering and The Sovereignty of God


Suffering must come and it has a purpose for those who are in Christ. Sorrow is that moment when the Believer feels the pain and anguish of the sin that has destroyed this world.
When all hope seem's lost and we have lost that little precious life that we prayed for and pleaded "oh, God not my baby, please Lord, take me but don't take her." When the doctor say's this is Cancer and you are dying.When the call comes in, your husband has died, your children were hurt please come to the hospital now.Sorrow and pain bare down and everything inside you wells up with fear and dread and emotion and you just cry out WHY!
Oh God why did this have to happen, Lord please I'll do anything but why did this happen to them.
When you lose everything, and the bank wants more, and you have to tell your family that it's all gone.
When your kids rebel and you cry out Oh God please don't let this be the end.When suffering and sorrow come, then comes the grief and the realization that this world is a vapor and eveything is fleeting. That is when the world has no hope, and everything is at it's darkest.But for the Christian, eventually we begin to hear those around us that have been faithfully praying, and we look through those eyes of faith, and we begin to see that little Johnny is in heaven with his Lord, and that little baby is climbing on Jesus lap right now, the business that we lost is just stuff.We see that our children begin to see their wickedness and slowly return to what they have been faithfully taught.We look and say we have a surer and more blessed hope, even though He slay me, I will not compromise, and though I lose all and my life too, I look for a blessed hope.

Nov 16, 2014
Sunday - AM
Luke 5:12-26; Romans 8:31-39
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