
The Prize

The Prize

Looking back can be a blessing and needful at times but you can't get to where you're going by only looking back! Keep pressing on brethren. Remember, we don't have to let our mess ups, or the mess ups of others, keep messing us up. Why? His mercies are fresh every morning. Glory... Philippians 3:7-21

There can be no resurrection without there first being a death...

...there is no resurrection power unless we

(1) put faith in the fact that we died with Christ and have been raised with Him in power and glory
(2) yield our lives and bodies over to Him as instruments for righteousness
(3) knowing that dead men have no rights and have died to sin
(4) and our lives belong to the Lord for His righteousness sake.
(5) our minds must be renewed from day to day
(6) we are set apart in Christ Jesus to prove His good, and acceptable, and perfect will
(7) understand it is our responsibility to do so

#nestingwithjesus #philippians #philippians4 #lamentations3 #philippians3and20

Nov 23, 2022
Sunday Service
Genesis 15; Philippians 3
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