
(35) Can I Trust God's Will?

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How many times have you prayed, "Lord, your will be done" and thought little of it? It's one thing to pray for God's will to be done when you're sitting around the dinner table on comfortable chairs with inviting food steaming in front of you in a warm house with positive prospects on the horizon. It's another thing to rest in God's will when the future looks menacing. When you have to end a close relationship. When you get laid off or lose your job. When people criticize you unjustly. When your body is attacked by cancer.

In this passage, Paul and his fellow believers learn to accept God's will knowing that it involved much tribulation for Paul and possibly for themselves.

Is there anything more clarifying in times of moral confusion than God having laid out for us in Scripture his holy will? Is there anything more hopeful for us in times of uncertainty than to rest in the perfect will of our heavenly Father?

Jan 15, 2023
Sunday - AM
Acts 21:1-16
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