
Going to Our Wedding

Over the course of 37 years as a pastor, I've conducted quite a few wedding ceremonies. Nothing is more intimate than the love between a bride and a bridegroom. The Bible reveals that there is going to be a wedding in heaven, and we need to be there, for the wedding is ours. We who know Jesus Christ as Savior, who are genuine believers in Christ, are the 'bride' of Christ! Paul describes the love relationship between a husband and wife in Ephesians 5. But there is a far deeper meaning to these familiar words for Paul states that he is speaking 'concerning Christ and the church.' (v. 32). We are the bride of Christ. We are right now in the betrothal period. Our bridegroom has returned to the Father's house in order to prepare a place for his bride, the church. And one day, He will return to take His bride to the Father's house where the wedding will take place (Revelation 19). We will be inseparably united with Christ in an intimate personal relationship that will stretch into eternity. After the week of seclusion enjoying the wedding feast in heaven, we will return with Christ to earth to be revealed to the world and to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb in Christ's kingdom. Here is another indication that Jesus Christ returns for His own prior to the time of tribulation and judgement here on earth. Are you ready for His coming? There's going to be a wedding in heaven! You don't want to miss it for the world!

Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Service
Ephesians 5:22-33; Revelation 19:6-9
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