
The Lamb Opens the Seals and Sends the Four Horsemen

In Rev 4-5, the Lion who is the Lamb who was slain was found worthy to open the scroll containing God's eternal plan of redemption, judgment, and the consummation of all things. Now, in Rev 6, by His authority, the Lamb opens the scroll and enacts its contents.

The first four seals represent a unit of judgment upon the earth due to mankind's sin against God--judgment carried out between the two advents of Christ. With each of the first four seals a different horseman is sent out representing different expressions of God's judgment against sin. The four horsemen have been riding since Christ's ascension and will be riding until His return, punishing sinners and perfecting saints, and pointing to a final judgment to come.

Revelation 6:1-8 "The Lamb Sends the Four Horsemen"
I. What do the Horsemen Represent?
A. Why Horses?
B. Why Four Horses?
C. What are the Horsemen?
II. When do the Horsemen Ride?
A. Compare Views.
B. Compare Scripture.
III. Why are the Horsemen Relevant?

Nov 17, 2024
Sunday Service
Matthew 24:1-14; Revelation 6:1-8
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