Whoever Calls on the Lord
Series Salvation, Root and Branch
Christ and the preaching of Christ is Stone and the message of the Stone that causes men either to stumble or to be saved. Either a man trips over the Stone or he builds a life upon the Stone. Israel failed to attain the righteousness of God because they sought it through the striving of the flesh, by the sweat of their brows, and by failing to come to terms with the reality that if any man seeks to be righteous in the sight of God apart from being justified through Christ, then that man seeks righteousness in vain. Whatever else the Church is called to do, what it must do first is preach Christ, and by that I mean that the message that through Christ and only in union with Christ can a man stand before God and be counted righteous.
The matter at hand is this: How do you respond to the Stone and how do you receive the Gospel of the Stone, the Rock who is Christ Jesus? There are only two options: Either a man will seek to build a system of righteousness apart from the Stone and so stumble even as the Stone brings judgment, or a man will build upon that Stone, seeking the righteousness of Christ that is embraced by faith. Either we are judged apart from or united to the Stone of stumbling or the Stone that is a strong and sure foundation. What so say you? To fall or to build.
The Bible has made it so abundantly plain, that the only explanation for why one can read and not hope in Christ is that he is already hoping in something or someone else, for the Gentile it was and is some vain idol that is the product of vain imaginatio
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Sermon ID | 1118242159435490 |
Duration | 39:03 |
Date | Nov 17, 2024 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | Romans 10:5-13 |
Language | English |