
Husbands, Love Sacrificially


God is bringing all things under Christ's headship, through the Church (Eph 1:10, 3:10), which is composed of families. Spiritually healthy families produce spiritually healthy churches. Healthy outreach comes from healthy inreach.

A husband's primary sphere of influence is his family. God's normal way to bring His Kingdom is subtle like leaven. Don't feel inferior for not bringing great revivals. Discipleship is a life-long process of making Christ followers, primarily your wife.

Kind of love
Sacrificial. A true disciple is one who takes up his cross daily, denies himself, and loves his wife. He is to love the wife AS Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. A godly wife seeks to submit to a husband who leads like Christ.

Degree of love
Costly. Christ gave His best: Himself. Husbands must give themselves to their wives. Wives want their husbands and not to be bought with other things. Since Christ loves His bride, He Himself comes down and tabernacles with her.

Object of love
Your wife. Men love other things: jobs, hobbies, ministries. Paul doesn't say to love those. Humble yourself. Ask your wife if there's anything she feels second to, what she'd like you to give up to spend more time with her.

Frequency of love
Continually. It's not a one time event, but a settled, committed, intentional love. Christ's love isn't wavering. A husband loves even when she has nothing to offer him; we have nothing to offer Christ.

Husbands cannot obey Eph 2:25. God gives grace to the humble. Gaze upon Christ. Be filled with Him, with the Spirit, and you'll be filled with the first fruit of the Spirit: love. Know your Saviour. Know your wife.

Nov 17, 2013
Sunday Service
Ephesians 5:25
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