
What is unforgivable sin, & the test for knowing it's been committed? Part 2/4

Gavin contrasts the Athanasian Creed's truth & 2019 Papist-Mohammedan Abu Dhabi Declaration's falsehoods & manifestation in Rome's 2019 Amazon Synod's Pachamama-Mary idol syncretism. He says, "today is St. Britius' Day" or "St. Brice's Day … . And … before proceeding to the 2nd sub-part of Part 2 on Babelism & the St. Brice's Day Massacre, in this 1st sub-part of Part 2, I wish to give some relevant elucidation on Anglican hagiology …, as a compliment to red-letter days which have a required religious observance …, black letter days on the 1561 & 1662 Calendars have no required religious observance, & are used for figures of historical significance to the Anglican Church who in some way, however limited, set a good example; & it must be said, that in some instances, it may be a VERY LIMITED good example … . Thus in harmony with Hebrews 5:14 … we should critically discern the good from the bad in the fallen human figures … ." The "1561 & 1662 Anglican Calendars are the matching half to Foxe's Book of Martyrs, & the Reverend Mr. John Foxe was an Anglican clergyman & sometime Assistant Minister at St. Giles' Cripplegate in London … . These 2 Anglican hagiological halves look to see the hand of God's Spirit working over time, & through time, till just afore the Waldensians in Western Europe & Wycliffe in England, & in this context look to some better figures …, & following New Testament times & ancient times to the end of the 5th century, there's then a special, though not exclusive reference, to France & England, as this is where the proto-Protestant Waldensians of France and proto-Protestant Wycliffe & Lollards of England then arose" as found in "Foxe's Book of Martyrs."

Nov 13, 2019
Ezra 9; Genesis 10
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