
The extraordinary burial of Jehovah's Servant


At times in life things do not work out the way they are at first anticipated or expected to. For one reason or another, some circumstance or otherwise, intervenes to bring about a totally different outcome than that initially desired or anticipated. In these circumstances the outcome is not only totally unexpected but it can also be highly remarkable and very significant.

This is the point that is being specifically made by the prophet Isaiah, in this ninth verse, about the death and particularly the burial of Jehovah's Servant. The circumstances of His burial will be highly remarkable and very significant, within the context of His death. His burial will not conform to the usual norms that are to be expected for one condemned to die as a common criminal.

This is what the Jewish leaders anticipated doing with the body of Jesus Christ. They cared not for Jehovah's Servant. To them He was to be counted as nothing more than a common criminal, whose body was to be taken and cast into a ditch, John 19:31: The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. They wanted His body 'taken away'. It was deemed defiling to the sabbath day for it to hang upon the cross. Even more so on a 'high day'.

However, despite being put to death as a common criminal, the burial of Jehovah's Servant will be altogether different.

Nov 11, 2012
Sunday - AM
Isaiah 53:9
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