Christian in the Valley of the Shadow of Death - Pilgrim's Progress #8
Series Pilgrim's Progress
Christian and the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Pilgrim's Progress
In the discussion time we will discuss this narrative of a "valley." From 2 Years Imprisonment in a Burman Prison, 1860 (I will narrate a few paragraphs) - the story of Henry Gouger and Adoniram Judson in the death prison in Ava 1824-1825 Gouger wrote, "But all sank into insignificance before the awful thought that soon-perhaps in a few hours- all affinity with this world's cares and troubles would cease, and we should be summoned into Eternity. I must make my honest confession that it was then I felt the force and value of those sacred truths which I had so often heard, but so little regarded. A thoughtless, careless life, absorbed in the pursuits of this world, to the utter neglect of a future one, is a sad position from which to contemplate the sudden change to Eternity. I felt it truly to be so."
Sermon ID | 10623111428062 |
Duration | 56:41 |
Date | Oct 6, 2023 |
Category | Audiobook |
Language | English |