
The Faith Life…

The Faith Life…

Living, loving, learning, longing, leading… by and through faith.

Its value, vision, and victory are unparalleled and undeniable.

Good intentions, from sincere people, that are not led and fed by the Lord, have absolutely no eternal value and will eventually mislead others to live and do life without hearing first from the Lord. Good intentions, of any kind, no matter their motive, are still lies WHEN they're NOT rooted in truth. We can't let our reasoning give us a REASON to say, "We said..." rather than "God said!" Good intentions are never a legitimate excuse for failing to seek, trust and obey the Lord.

Graced and grateful living…

Let's talk about being grateful. Think about it... gratefulness is not what separates people. It's extremely rare to find someone who is not grateful for something. You may have a hard time finding someone grateful for the same things, you're grateful for, but it won't be hard to find someone grateful for someone or something.

What separates one from another is not their gratefulness... for most, we each have that in common. That's why we can celebrate a season of thanksgiving, regardless of what we're each thankful about. Nonetheless, it's the thing or things we are grateful for that either unites or isolates us from others. What does this say? What we're thankful FOR reveals more about us than our common ACTS of giving thanks. And the way life will have it, it's the very things we're thankful for that actually divides us from some and gathers us with others.

We see this illustrated with the young man who made the drastic mistake of expressing his thankfulness for the death of King Saul and his sons and how it would

Dec 6, 2024
Sunday - PM
2 Samuel 1; Psalm 143
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