
Compassion for the Poor

Have you ever witnessed or taken part in a “workers strike”? Well, essentially, that is precisely what Nehemiah was facing in the words of our text for today as recorded for us in Nehemiah 5:1-13! For no sooner had Nehemiah and the recently released exiles set their strategy for overcoming opposition to their rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem from without, than Nehemiah is faced with a virtual uprising, a “work-stoppage”, if you will from within! And as God’s people who are completely dedicated to the rebuilding of the walls of our marriages and families, of our congregation and of our nation, and of any wall which needs strengthening or rebuilding anywhere else within the world-wide Church and Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, just as was true for Nehemiah of old, we too, must similarly make absolutely certain that we are adequately addressing such “internal concerns”, if you will, including the necessity of faithfully making manifest our Compassion For the Poor!

Oct 4, 2015
Sunday - AM
Nehemiah 5:1-13
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