From Compromise to Confession
Series Ruth: The King is Coming
Many moments in Israel's history, recorded in the Book of Judges, illustrate their rebellion against the One who had graciously delivered them out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the promised land. Not only do we see their sins listed as an unblushing record, but we are also told the primary contributing factor for their spiritual rebellion - the generation that took the land, the second generation, did not do so fully (Judges 1:27-36, and what is more, they failed to instruct or nurture the third generation in the ways of covenant faithfulness by failing to communicate the glorious and gracious work of the Lord (Judges 2:10). For their rebellion the Lord handed them over to their enemies, for their rebellion the Lord raised up nations against them, and for their rebellion the Lord did not give them the victory that was promised had they simply obeyed. The story of Ruth takes place in the time of the Judges, and despite the wickedness of her own people, the Moabites, Ruth rejects the national idols and instead clings to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to the Lord and walks in righteousness before her mother in law, and Boaz, the man whom she would one day marry and the son who would come from that marriage of redemption be the grandfather of the future kind, David. Ruth reminds us that God, in His grace will deliver out of compromise a new hope for those who are His chosen and beloved people.
Sermon ID | 1031241430538183 |
Duration | 33:41 |
Date | Nov 3, 2024 |
Category | Sunday - PM |
Bible Text | Ruth 1:1-18 |
Language | English |