
Feasts of Israel Part 2

As I pondered over writing the introduction of this message, I noted
the verse highlighted in my open bible on the desk as I was working,
and I was reminded again of how important the decisions in this life
are for eternity, the verse I saw read;
…it is appointed for men to die once,
Part of Hebrews 9:27
And I thought of how so many people take the choices and decisions
of this life so for granted, choices and decisions that will decide their
eternity. It is almost like the fact that we will all die, has somehow
become a mundane comfort to most of mankind, we all must die, and
that's it, that's where it ends for their thinking. Never really pondering
what happens in the moments after or what happens next.

Aug 8, 2021
Sunday Service
Hebrews 9:24-28
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