
CGBCI Q&A with Dr. Whitcomb

Dr. John Whitcomb does one of the things he does best -- fielding Bible questions -- in this special message which was taped before the gathering of the 16th Annual Conservative Grace Brethren Churches International Conference in July of 2008.
This session was recorded following a group trip to the Answers in Genesis Creation Museum near Cincinnati.
The questions which are dealt with in this message are as follows:

  • Why did Eve listen to a snake?
  • Was there a vapor canopy before the flood?
  • Why did T-Rex have such short arms?
  • What are black holes?
  • Does population growth give clues as to the age of the earth?
  • Why didn't Noah take dinosaurs on the ark?
  • What will happen to animals in the rebellion at the end of the millennium?
  • Why aren't there human fossils?
  • What happened to the woolly mammoths?
  • What is the tree of life in Revelation 22:2, 3?
  • What is global warming?
  • How old is the earth?
  • Is there life on other planets?
  • How can we see the light from distant stars?
    Before the start of the question and answer session, Dr. Whitcomb received a CGBCI award (a plaque containing a dove with an olive branch) for "continuous service to the Lord Jesus Christ."
    We trust that many will be enlightened with Biblical truth as they listen to these insightful answers to very good questions about creationism.
Jul 6, 2008
Question & Answer
Genesis 3:1-5; Genesis 6:13-22
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