
John Wycliffe - Morning Star of the Reformation

One of the very earliest heroes of the pre-Reformation days was John Wycliffe, an English professor of theology who championed the right of the English people to hear and read the Bible in their own language.

Wycliffe had tremendous influence on other Reformers like Hus and Luther, and his impact in Bible translation is even felt to this very day.

Along with a team, he translated (from Jerome's Latin Vulgate) the first Bible into the English language, what we today would call Middle English (right around the same time as Chaucer wrote his Canterbury Tales). The second edition of Wycliffe's Bible became the most prominent Bible in English for a good two centuries when Tyndale and Coverdale were able to translate the Bible from the original Hebrew and Greek.

For his courageous stances and efforts, Wycliffe earned the title, "The Morning Star of the Reformation."

Oct 28, 2024
Sunday Service
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