
Galatians 5, Lesson 5

The way we lived before Christ was sinful because we could not do otherwise. The gospel says that we can stop sinning and do the will of God. Our focus should be on doing the will of God and not stop sinning. In other words, when we focus on doing what God wants us to do, we won’t be focused on what God does not want us to do. We are not to dwell on what we are not supposed to do. If our focus is on the Lord, sin loses its power. If we walk in the Spirit, we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Romans 6:11-23, Christ has set us free, not the freedom to sin, but the freedom to live a holy life. The Galatians were not to accept circumcision as a way to become righteous before Christ. There is no way that we can earn salvation in Christ. It is not about what we do; it is about what Jesus has done. We are supposed to love God and hate sin. We are to love our neighbors as ourselves. When we attack one another in the Body of Christ, it is like a dog attacking its hind leg. If we do not walk in the Spirit, we will sin. We must focus on Jesus. If the Spirit leads us, we will not be under the law. We are free in Christ.

Apr 27, 2017
Galatians 5; John 8:31-36
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