
“Gleaning A Pliable Heart of Patience”

"Gleaning A Pliable Heart of Patience"

(Louin Community Revival 2024)

What's Needed Today?

What's needed today to overcome the impossible dilemma of:

  1. Stone-ridden hearts dead in their sin.
  2. Stubborn-minded heads and hurts.
  3. Shepherd-less heathens who are dying without Jesus and true hope in His heavenly promises.

What's needed today to do this impossible mission?

  1. The Presence of Jesus
  2. The Preaching of Jesus
  3. The Power of Jesus
  4. The Praying of Jesus
  5. The Passion of Jesus
  6. The Persistence of Jesus
  7. The Patience of Jesus

What's needed today?

Yielded vessels who are co-laborers with Jesus — working the fields He's assigned them to work — as they wait upon Him to supply what is needed.

It's a Sure Thing…

What's Coming — For All the Nations?

Who's Going — For All the Nations?

Who's Calling — For All the Nations?

Don't miss out… it's a sure Thing, from a sure One, for a sure Day!

*Also you can tie this message with yesterday's post and the early message at Louin.

"You Don't Have To Perish"

You're Going to Die — But You Don't Have to Perish

But you will have to repent…

#LouinRevival2024 #ezekiel34 #ezekiel35 #ezekiel36 #ezekiel37 #stones #unmoved #tenderheart #stonyhearts #sensitive #recognizable #stonyheart #stone #hard #stubborn #tender #soft #light #touch #heat #fire #faith #grace #gracerepentance #godlysorrow
#skiesoverthechapel #luke13 #louinms #a3comet #graceupongrace

Oct 23, 2024
Sunday Service
Ezekiel 34-37; Ezekiel 36:37
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