
Repairing the Rift — Having a Message

Repairing the Rift — Having a Message

"All Your works shall praise You and Your saints shall bless You... they (Your saints) shall SPEAK of the glory of Your kingdom, and TALK of Your power — TO MAKE KNOWN to the sons of men His mighty acts and the glorious majesty of His kingdom." (Psalm 145:10-12)

Glory... don't you love that word? For it's the servants of God that stand in the gap with a divine calling to DESCRIBE His glory, DELIVER His gospel and DISPLAY His grace... before a world captivated with the splendor of creation, but a world that knows little to nothing of its Creator and Redeemer.

Wow... what a beautiful mission, we, the disciples of Jesus, have been graciously given. And I'm eternally grateful to Jesus and for the precious faith family He's planted us among — to gather and grow together — under these skies and steeple. Grace upon grace...

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Oct 24, 2020
Sunday - AM
2 Samuel 18; 2 Samuel 19
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