
Roadblocks For The Drifter

Roadblocks for the Drifter

Drifting: Disbelief: Dullness: Discontentment: Discouragement: Disputing: Delusions: Disobedience: Disorderly: Depression: Despairing:

Hebrews is a message that teaches us that nothing is greater nor superior to cultivating a life of intimacy and growing influence and intensity to the guidance and guardianship of Jesus over our lives.

There's a lot we should do...
A lot we could do...
A lot we want to do...
A lot we can do...
But only one thing we NEED to do...
And that's what God asks us to do.

God's patience — with us — is often misunderstood as His permission — for us.

If we're not careful, before we realize or recognize it, we can drift farther and farther away from God's presence and purpose, by mistaking His patience with us for His permission to us.:

We're going to look at how even the greatest of servants are prone to drifting.

When Elijah saw it… (1 Kings 19:3) he couldn't quit seeing it! It captured his mind and manipulated his heart. How did it happen so fast? God was at work exposing the heart of a drifter.

Elijah didn't go from the fires of Carmel to fretting and the fears that captivated his focus overnight — he had already started drifting before the mountaintop experience. The valley of despair just revealed the folly of his misaligned vision. His attention had drifted from the Lord and now he was in a tailspin. A misplaced focus will make a show. And our missteps will be manifested in the folly of our fretting over what others are saying they can and will do because we have already shifted our focus off of what God had asked us to do.

We must give Him our undivided attention and affection (Hebrews 2).

"Guard your hea

Oct 22, 2022
Sunday - AM
1 Kings 19; Hebrews 1-6
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