
Katrina and Rita: Whose children are they and why were they born? #2


Katrina and Rita – What Good News?

"...for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness." Isaiah 26:9b

-A- Preface: All discussion and instruction must be marked by sympathy and compassion and not be unfeeling and unconcerned for those directly impacted by the destruction and devastation resulting from these storms.

-B- Reminder of basic truths related to these unusual providences.

-1- Our world is under the sovereign control of God at all times in all places with respect to all things.

-2- Our World is under the righteous curse of God because of man’s sin.

-C- We live in a world in which God has multiple purposes folded into his unusual visitations into the physical world.

-1- Five purposes of God for his own people (see message #1)

-2- Five purposes of God for the unconverted
-a- to awaken sinners to the terrifying reality of his irresistible power and future judgment
-b- to soften sinners by his discriminating mercy manifested amidst death and devastation
-c- that his sudden and tragic cutting off of some would constitute a clarion to repentance to others
-d- to bring the gospel to many—a gospel validated by the tangible manifestations of selfless, sacrificial, self-giving love of Christians
-e- to show to men the utter folly and futility of an idolatrous trust in man

Sermon # TA-A-2

Oct 2, 2005
Current Events
Acts 10:38; Isaiah 2; Isaiah 26:8-10; Luke 13:1-5; Romans 2:4
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