
God Comes to Man_03PT2

God Comes to Man_03 John 1:14-28 The scene is the Jordan River. At one of these serene bends in the river, a crowd of people have gathered. They have come for a variety of reasons. Some have come to hear a prophet. Others have come to have their curiosity satisfied. There are those who are present because their lives have been changed and they wish to identify themselves with this new movement. There is one group that has been sent to investigate these recent happenings. The testimony of John the Baptist is given amidst a detailed account of the first few days in the public ministry of Jesus. The account takes place over a period of four consecutive days.Jesus wasn't just a good man or good teacher; he is God. He is not just someone we read about, he's not merely a great leader whose principles we try to follow. He is someone that you can know personally, that you can experience personally.Some people think that everything about Christianity happens between your ears -- that it's just a matter of what you know and what you learn and what you choose to believe. It's so much more than that. Christianity is not just a creed. It's a relationship.That's the core of Christianity. You receive Jesus into your heart and he fills you with the Holy Spirit. And you can talk to him every day. And he will talk to you. And you will experience his power. And many times you will even feel his presence. He wants to open your eyes to a whole new dimension of living, which the Holy Spirit fills you completely and Christ lives through you.This is what john's gospel was writing about in these verses. Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

Oct 18, 2023
Midweek Service
John 1:14-28
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