
A Survey Of The Book Of Nahum

Pastor Tim Goad continues our Survey of the Minor Prophets with the book of Nahum. We see here a city and people that 100 years earlier had been sent Jonah who called them to repent and turn, and that now had become so prideful, idolatrous and disobedient to GOD that HE has now sent another prophet in Nahum to declare their utter destruction. And unlike other cities that GOD had sacked through human means, this time all, including the city itself, would be laid waste to become even a distant memory in the minds of secular historians. We are given a type and picture that all who are apart from and disobedient to GOD'S will, will not only see physical death, but even worse, spiritual death in a continual torment in hell. But we also are given a picture of GOD'S mercy and grace in that HE not only sent them a previous prophet, but gave them 100 years to turn towards HIM. In this we have the understanding that our GOD is a promise keeping GOD.

Oct 19, 2014
Sunday Afternoon
Nahum 1
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