They Will Push… Don’t Let Them
Series Matthew's Gospel
They Will Push… Don't Let Them
Don't let them or it push you.
Don't let them or it diminish you.
Don't let them or it fragment you.
Don't let them push you away from His work.
Don't let them or it take you to a place He's not leading.
Who's our business?
What's our business?
Why is it our business?
Being politically conservative and being biblically conservative are not the same.
It's a daily struggle with Jesus — but impossible without Him — to not make patriotism, politics, work, family, church, sports, or anything else into an idol.
Just a little note added:
Patriotism is all about principles… and we can classify almost anyone, in any land, as patriots. And it's usually patriots who go to war with opposing patriots. Why? Patriotism is being loyal to what one believes more than to one's country or certain lands, but ideas and principles that one will love and fight for. The problem is that these ideas and principles can often become idols because one places them before their loyalty to Jesus or they reduce Jesus down to their loyalty — to their principled way of thinking. Either way it's idolatry. Ideas, apart from God's perspective and wisdom, are strongholds and vain imaginations that must be taken captive by the believers and pulled through power of God.
Don't let them or it cause you to flicker, falter, or fragment.
Fight the good fight or faith… His business is the same today as it was then — He's in His people fulfilling His work today with the same spirit He had then.
#nestingwithjesus #matthew #matthew12 #Isaiah42 #theywillpush #theywilldull #theywillfragment #theywillfail #dontletthempushyou #dontletthempushoutofHiswork #idol #idolatry #until
Sermon ID | 1018241420405022 |
Duration | 39:04 |
Date | Oct 18, 2024 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Isaiah 42; Matthew 12 |
Language | English |