
R20 Satan, Gog, Judgment

Revelation 20 depicts the judgment of Satan, Gog and his followers, and those who choose to be judged by their works.
What will it be like to live during the millennial reign of Christ?
If there is a first resurrection, will there be a second? When would it occur?
When will the first resurrection occur?
When will the battle of Gog take place?
How does Ezekiel 38 and 39 fit into this scenario of Revelation 20:8?
Who will repopulate the earth during the millennial reign?
What does it mean that an infant of days will be a hundred years old?
Why does it take seven years to burn the weapons left over from the battle with Gog?
Who will be judged at the great white throne judgment and why?

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------------------Revelation 20-----------------
00:00 Judgment
01:27 Satan's Chains
03:57 The First Resurrection
07:37 Ruled By Christ
10:06 A Time Of Peace And Righteousness
15:22 A Kingdom Showered with Worldwide Blessings
19:13 Repopulating The Earth
23:01 Agrarian Society
26:16 Perpetuity Of Nations
28:44 Battle Of Gog
37:35 Great White Throne

Oct 15, 2024
Revelation 20
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