Plundering Satan's Kingdom
Series Mark
Who really is Jesus? Why is He doing all the things that Mark has recorded here in his Gospel? He is the Son of God, and He is plundering the kingdom of Satan!
Jesus' fame is spreading like widlfire. The crowds know that He can heal physical ailments and they crowd in around Him, almost crushing Him. But He did not want the cast-out demons drawing attention to the fact that He was the Son of God because that would have short-circuited the Lord's plan and let everyone know that He was the Messiah – thereby launching their expectiations of a political deliverer from Roman rule. The next time Mark uses the phrase, "Son of God," he records it from the lips of the Roman centurion at the cross.
Jesus called His twelve disciples and gave them a message to deliver as the heralds of the Lord, as well as power to cast out demons and heal people. Again, He was showing His authority as the Son of God.
But not everyone was a fan of what Jesus was doing. His own family members thought He was out of His mind, and the scribes thought He was in league with the devil. To counteract this, Jesus gave three parables that show how foolish it is to imagine that Satan could be fighting himself. You can't plunder a strong man until you've tied him up. Far from being in partnership with Satan, Jesus came to defeat him and plunder his kingdom! As He calls, saves, and redeems people's souls, He is snatching away the riches that the devil has had in his possession wrongfully.
Are you one of Jesus' family members? How do you view Jesus? As a crazy man? As being in league with Satan? Or as the King Who has come to plunder Satan and pluck you – one of His rich jewels – out of the devil's hands?
Sermon ID | 1016221949168036 |
Duration | 38:22 |
Date | Oct 16, 2022 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Mark 3:7-35 |
Language | English |