
A Pilgrim's Journey: Climbing Upward w/the First Four Songs of Ascents (Ps 120-123)

The Songs of Ascents (Ps 120-134) were sung by Jewish pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem to worship God and be with God's people for one of the annual Jewish festivals. They are wonderful encouragements and discipleship songs to Christians in their 'long obedience in the same direction' as they journey as pilgrims here while citizens of heaven, awaiting their Savior from there but eagerly representing Him in the world in which they are strangers and sojourners.

The first four Songs of Ascents (Ps 120-123) take the pilgrim's focus off the harsh, deceitful world (Ps 120), to lift up his eyes to the hills surrounding Jerusalem in anticipation (Ps 121), to Jerusalem herself (the church!...Ps 122), and finally to God Himself (Ps123). May this sermon be an encouragement Christian pilgrims as they look to Christ to live for Christ while longing for Christ.

Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Service
Hebrews 12:2-3; Psalm 120
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