
0 Introduction: Marriage Covenant Seminar

For the most part young couples view their marriage as a party. Some realize the solemnity of the event but become lost in the preparations. Others realize more fully the spiritual nature of the even and strive to make it God honoring. Almost universally couples view their marriage a vows they are exchanging with one another and before God and His church. Few, very few realize that they are not making their vows to each other but rather with and to God. The Marriage Ceremony is a hollowed event whereby a mystical union between man and woman takes place. Having made their vows with God, He in turn miraculously joins them, so that the two become one. This is not a sexual event but rather an act of God as He accepts their vows. As such couples would be well advised to study those vows to which God holds them.

Sep 29, 2008
Special Meeting
Malachi 2:14; Proverbs 2:17
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