
Landmarks of Baptist Doctrine - Eschatology - The Course of This Age - Part 2

00:00 Bible Study begins
Focusing on Titus 2:13 and the blessed hope of Jesus' return.

00:54 The certainty of Christ's return
Explaining how the Bible promises the return of Jesus and its importance to the Christian faith.

08:54 The return of Christ in Mark 13
Discussing the signs and the importance of watching and being ready for His return.

12:39 Discussion of Luke 17
Delving into the passage about the return of Christ, comparing it to the days of Noah and Lot.

23:38 Revelation 19 and the battle of Armageddon
Exploring how Christ's return will lead to the final battle and judgment.

43:56 Jesus' promise in John 14
Jesus Himself promises His return to bring believers to where He is.

48:20 Conclusion
Wrapping up the study by emphasizing the certainty of Christ's return based on His word.

Oct 13, 2024
Sunday - PM
Matthew 16:25-27; Titus 2:13
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