This course Understanding Bible Prophecy is designed as a serious introduction to this subject. We highlight some of the major things that will help the Bible student become more adept at interpreting Bible prophecy for himself.
A thorough course, of course, would require a verse by verse study of every prophetic passage in the Scripture, which is exactly what every Bible student should pursue over the course of a lifetime.
Most churches are very weak in educating God’s people about Bible prophecy. The people might have a general idea about some of the major events of Bible prophecy, but they don’t understand prophecy well.
They don’t know the rules of interpreting Bible prophecy for themselves. They might have a general idea about the Rapture, but they probably can’t defend the doctrine of the
Pre-Tribulational Rapture against other views. They don’t know much about Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, or the Minor Prophets such as Zechariah and Malachi.