Holding On is a series in the Book of Hebrews.During the study you will see Five warning & Appeals of the believer.It deals with us Examining our lives as Christians. Salvation has now been offered to man; man can now become acceptable to God and live eternally with God.These are not warnings but Encouragements.The First Heeding (neglect):Hebrews 2:1-4The Risk of Neglecting Salvation-of Drifting away from salvation.The Second Heeding (hard heart):Hebrews 3:7-19;4:1-13The Risk of unbelief–Hardening one’s Heart.Fear–lest you miss God’s Rest. The Third Heeding (Laziness):Hebrews 5:11-14;6:1-20The Risk of immaturity or of falling away.5:11-14;6:1-3.Fear–Lest you fall away.6:4-8.Safeguards against falling away.6:9-20The Fourth Heeding(Willfulness):Hebrews 10:26-39The Risk of Apostasy,(an act refusing to continue,follow,obey,or recognize a religious faith) of withdrawing from Christ.The Fifth Heeding (refusing to listen):Hebrews 12:25-29The Risk of refusing to Hear Jesus Christ–of shutting one’s ear of His blood.