The Book of Romans
39 Sermons

Paul, the Apostle. Paul clearly states that he is the author Rom. 1:1, and the personal references and facts given in Romans 15 tell us beyond any doubt that Paul is the author.A.D. 55-58.Paul says, "Now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints" Rom. 15:25. This journey to Jerusalem was the trip made necessary by the extreme poverty of the believers in the Jerusalem church. Paul had taken a collection from the Gentile churches and felt compelled to deliver the offering himself. This occurred on his third missionary journey.Paul wished to evangelize Spain. To do so he needed a local church from which to launch his ministry,a church that would be much closer to Spain than Antioch. Antioch had been his home base up until now. By writing Romans, he was preparing the Roman church for the day when he would reveal his vision to them. He was making them familiar with his name, his mission, and his love.Paul had a personal compulsion to visit and witness in Rome itself.

39 Sermons