At Westminster Presbyterian, we believe, first and foremost, that the Bible is the Word of God. It is our final authority in all matters.
The cornerstone of our spiritual lives is the Gospel of Jesus Christ – the good news that we are made righteous, and accepted by God because of the work of Christ and not because of any good deeds or correct thinking on our part. Jesus said “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:32), and so we are happy to declare that we are mere sinners and we have been saved by the overwhelming grace of Jesus Christ.
We are reformed in our doctrine and practices – we believe in the sovereignty of God in all things, that Jesus Christ is the sole hope for the salvation of men, and that everything God requires he also provides out of his sheer grace.
We are evangelical – we believe that the whole world must hear the good news of Jesus Christ and that our lives, church, families and society should all be organized according to God's Word.
We are Presbyterian – our church participates in the life of other churches, and they participate in the life of our church. We are members of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).
We support church-centered families – we seek to include all ages in the entire life of the church. That means we have our children in worship with us (we do have a cry/nursing room available), and we seek to teach families how to worship together.
Our beliefs are most fully described in the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) together with Larger and Shorter catechisms.