Salem Strict and Particular Baptist Church -
This church was formed on 21st March 1813 when seven members of the Particular Baptist Church at Meeting House Alley, Portsea, together with eight others were joined together as a gospel church by Mr. Thomas Tilly of Forton, Gosport.
A chapel was built and opened on 26th January, 1814. It stood in what was then known as the White Swan Fields and took the name Salem. One of the members, Mr. Richard Young, was chosen as pastor.
In January 1941 this time-worn building was destroyed by enemy action in the Second World War. A very small congregation managed to continue in the city and the present meeting house was opened in a different area of Portsmouth on 24th April, 1959.
When in 1835 the Gospel Standard Magazine was commenced by William and John Gadsby, it was not long before Salem identified with its stand for truth. In 1841 Mr J C Philpot preached four sermons in the Salem pulpit, all of which were later printed. Mr John McKenzie, Mr William Tiptaft and Mr John Warburton were among those who also preached, and during the pastorate of Mr George Murrell (1843-1861) the Articles of Faith of the Gospel Standard Societies were adopted.
By affirming these truths, and desiring to know the power of them in the heart, the church at Salem Chapel seeks to uphold its original purpose as stated in the chapel's Trust Deed of 1824:
"For promoting the Christian religion as it is professed by Protestant Dissenters of the Denomination of Particular Baptists."
What does Strict and Particular Baptist mean?
Strict refers to the Communion Service (the Lord's Supper). It is restricted to members of the church and to those visiting who are members, in good standing, of a church of like faith and order.
Particular refers to the doctrine of the atonement - Particular Redemption. We believe that the death of the Lord Jesus Christ was for a particular people. It did not make salvation possible but it made salvation certain for all the elect of God. Jesus said, "I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:15.)
Baptist refers to the practice of total immersion, or dipping into water, of those who have professed faith in Christ.
Salem Baptist Chapel Shearer Road Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 5LP UK