Vision Statement:
We are a congregation of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America set in a culturally diverse area of Los Angeles. We are dedicated to the worship of God, the teaching of historic Reformed theology, the nurture, service, and fellowship of the Church, and the spread of the Gospel.
WORSHIP: The congregation is committed to the wholehearted worship of God in public and private according to the teachings of Scripture. Our public worship includes praise by acapella singing of Psalms; corporate prayer; offerings; the reading, hearing, and preaching of God's Word; and the observance of the Sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper.
NURTURE: We strive to nurture children and adults at each level of their spiritual development through instruction, training, and encouragement. Nurturing is intended to prepare people for the acceptance of responsibility as mature Christians.
EVANGELISM: As we grow in the knowledge of Christ, we desire to grow in our love for and participation in evangelism. We encourage and provide the opportunity for each willing member of the congregation to be trained in the prayerful spreading of the Gospel to the lost in our own circles of aquanitances, our community, and the world.
FELLOWSHIP: Through the mutual encouragment and enjoyment of Christians in all areas of life, we learn and demonstrate the practical reality of Christ's love and lordship. Believers express their fellowship by giving and receiving counsel, support, hospitality, and comfort, by spending time with one another ans sharing joys and sorrows.
SERVICE: God has given to every believer particular gifts to be used to serve others. We seek to serve God by making use of these talents for the spiritual benefits of believers and the community at large.