Reformation Church of Shelbyville

ID refchurch Code# 35916

Reformation Church of Shelbyville is a fellowshp that wants to encounter the Gospel every moment of the day. We want it to shape the words that we speak, the shows that we watch, the activities we pursue. The Gospel should permeate every aspect of our lives, from how we discipline our children, to how we love our spouses. Nothing is outside the influence of the Gospel. For this reason we study it, proclaim it, teach it, learn it and relearn it without wearying of it. The Gospel is the power that transforms every aspect of our lives.

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Listen Line
(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Sunday Morning Family Bible Study ... 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Service ... 11:00 a.m.
Many community Bible studies throughout the week.

Physical Address
Reformation Church of Shelbyville 169 Alpine Drive Shelbyville, KY 40065