The High Free Church is a friendly congregation with a warm, family atmosphere. Visitors are always welcome at our services and all our other Church events. We have both English and Gaelic services. In the English service we use a range of both accompanied and unaccompanied praise items including psalms and hymns. At our midweek meetings we have a time of prayer followed by a study from God’s word. Occasionally we have visiting speakers from different missionary groups, a number of which are supported by the congregation.
Our Sunday services are held in Stornoway Primary School and are at 11am and 6.30pm. We have a vibrant Sunday School for P1 – S3 and a creche which both meet during the morning service.
Our midweek meetings are held in the Retirement Centre, Bayhead. Our English Prayer meetings are on Tuesdays and Saturdays and our Gaelic Prayer meetings are on Thursdays. All Prayer meetings are at 7.30pm.
The Church also has a Women for Mission group, a ladies prayer group, youth nights, youth Bible studies and after-church gatherings on a regular basis. Details of these, and other meetings, can be found on our bulletin sheet and Facebook page.