Heritage Primitive Baptist Church

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About Us

Our mission is to magnify the fullness of God through the knowledge of His Son Jesus Christ for the good of others.

1 Timothy 3:15 compares the church of God to a house with pillars and supports as follows: “…the house of God which is the church of the living God the pillar and ground of the truth.” The purpose of the pillar and support is to keep or preserve the soundness of the house so as to prevent it from falling or crumbling to the ground. While God is sovereign and will preserve truth, He uses churches to uphold the truth of His word like pillars and foundations uphold buildings. We desire to uphold and stand upon the absolute and unchanging truth of God’s word in a culturally relevant society; to pass on to the next generation the scriptural truth committed to us by our forefathers (2 Timothy 2:2); that we might be a habitation of God through the Spirit (Ephesians 2:20).

The fulfillment and growth of our mission statement is directly related to the supremacy of God in preaching, teaching and applying biblical truth, which was once delivered to the saints. We exist not only to know truth as it is in Christ Jesus, but to love the savior who is true and lovely altogether and to spread that reality to others.

At Heritage, the doctrine of God’s sovereignty is what sustains us and gives hope to the weary pilgrim. It revives us when we are cast down, it comforts us when we are forsaken by men, it motivates us to godly living and boldness in our culture, and it is the only means whereby we can fulfill our mission to magnify the all-sufficient grace of our glorious God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift! It is for this cause we can take with confidence the testimonies of the Lord as our HERITAGE, for they are the rejoicing of our hearts!

Basic Information
Primitive Baptist
Dec 14, 2016
Listen Line
Listen to our live webcast using any phone without the need for internet data. Simply call (712) 432-3410 and when prompted, enter the Church Code: 43852.
Service Times

Every Sunday at 10:30AM.

Heritage Primitive Baptist Church 390 Johns Road Northwest Huntsville, Alabama 35806