We are a group of people who by God’s grace have come to love Jesus Christ, our living and resurrected Lord. Because we take Him seriously, we take His Word seriously. So we accept His Good News, His Gospel–that He came into the world to save sinners like us!
He reveals His loving heavenly Father to us. He pours out His life-changing Holy Spirit upon us. He gives us the faith that we lack in ourselves to follow Him. He applies to our lives the Bible He first inspired: providing us an inerrant and authoritative rule of faith and practice.
Therefore, we humbly seek to glorify the Triune God in all we do, in both our worship of Him and our living for Him. We want to grow in His grace and serve in His Kingdom. We strive to love God, one another, and our community more and more, out of gratitude for His undeserved love!
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America.