Gospel Light Baptist Church

ID gospellight Code# 59613

We are an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church that preaches out of the King James Bible, sing traditional old-time hymns, with a desire to serve the LORD, see people get saved, and grow in His grace. Gospel Light is a growing church seeking to reach the community and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please feel free to visit our website to learn more about our beliefs and the numerous ministries we offer at Gospel Light Baptist Church.

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Listen Line
(712) 432-3410
Service Times

Sunday School 10:00am
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am (Children's Church & Nursery provided)
Sunday Night Worship 6:00pm
Wednesday Night Worship 7:00pm
Wednesday Night Kids Club & One Way Youth 7:00pm

Physical Address
Gospel Light Baptist Church 31 Kingston Rd Evington, Virginia 24550