November 11, 1620 - Thanksgiving
November 11, 1620 The folks on the Mayflower had had a long and difficult voyage. They were tired, and some were disgruntled. The passengers aboard ship were comprised of some Christians known as Puritans, whom we know as the Pilgrims, and men hired by the Puritans to help them build houses and help farm, along with the crews.
There was talk of mutiny as they arrived at Cape Cod, some wanting to split from the group and go their own way. In order to avoid a split in the group something had to be done. It is believed that Elder William Brewster authored what has become known as that "great charter of liberty," the Mayflower Compact, that the Pilgrims insisted be signed by all before they left the ship.
"In ye name of God, Amen." "We whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James,...doe by these presents solemnly & mutually in ye presence of God, and one of another, covenant & combine ourselves together into a civil body politick,...and by virtue hear of to enacte, constitute, and frame such just & equal lawes, ordinances, acts, constitutions, & offices, form time to time, as shall be thought most meet & convenient for ye general good of ye Colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience."
One half of these brave souls died from disease and starvation during that first winter in the New World. It was the beginning of a liberty--the liberty to worship as we choose, the liberty to live and work where you please, the liberty to come and go as you please.
At the outcome of this current election, these American liberties may be on the way to being lost because of those who have become disgruntled with the American way of life--those who insist on Communism and Socialism (little difference) in place of the best economic system the world has ever seen. How unfortunate! The same selfishness, self-centeredness, and complaining minds still exist today as they did on the Mayflower with one difference.
The Pilgrims, and the others, had a firm belief in our sovereign God who is in control of all of life. The Compact they signed kept them together--to survive together, to build together, to grow together, and to honor and worship God together. We have lost that integrity. Now 50%, or so, of our American society either does not believe in our Creator God, or considers Him irrelevant. Another 20-25% are not sure who, or what He is, and we no longer rely on an anchor; that divine anchor, provider, guide, source of all wisdom and morality. Men do their own thing, becoming wise in their own eyes. This is folly.
The all-powerful hand of God formed this nation, protected it, and blessed it with great abundance. Yet, we have turned from Him to follow our own lusts, believing that life has more to offer in Satan's domain rather than in God's kingdom. America needs another Compact with God.
Elections come and go. Politicians and their promises come and go. Wealth comes and goes, and power changes hands from the good to tyrants. Saving America, saving the liberties the Pilgrims bravely struggled for, and our American Revolution stands for, has only one solution--to turn back to the One who formed us in the womb, gave us life, and gave us a land to enjoy, providing we work hard for it. Until we, as a nation, turn back to our God and His Christ for our salvation, until we cast away our pride and worship of ourselves, and call on the One, true God for His mercy and forgiveness, we will struggle.
Stop calling natural disasters the result of "climate change." Instead, recognize the on-going problems with nature, with politics, with immorality, the pre-meditated murder of the unborn, with economic hardships, and enemies from both within and without seeking our demise--recognize the truth of the matter. We are suffering from a spiritual disease; sick and dying of our own choices. Our only cure is to turn back to our Creator God; to call in faith on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to save us from ourselves, and from the coming wrath of God.